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McCarty’s Ferry Public Boat Ramp Reopens after Facility Upgrades

McCarty’s Ferry Public Boat Ramp Reopens after Facility Upgrades

The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) has reopened the McCarty’s Ferry Public Boat Ramp on the Tombigbee River. The boat ramp is located at the end of McCarty’s Ferry Road, which intersects with Ararat Road south of Butler, Alabama, in Choctaw County.

During the closure an additional launching slab was installed. Due to chronic siltation issues at the facility's existing launching slab, the new launching slab was constructed directly into the river channel. The existing launching slab was also extended and will be available for use during periods of high water. Two concrete parking lots were also constructed and the 1.5 mile entrance road to the facility will be repaved in the coming months.

This boating access improvement project was completed through a partnership between ADCNR and Choctaw County. Funding for the project was primarily provided through the Wildlife Restoration Program under the federal Pittman-Robertson Act. Additional funding was provided by Choctaw County and Innovate Alabama, a statewide public-private partnership focused on entrepreneurship, technology and innovation with a mission to help businesses grow roots in Alabama.

“We are excited about the renovations and expansion of this facility in Choctaw County,” said Chris Blankenship, ADCNR Commissioner. “The use of Department funds matched with funding from Innovate Alabama and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as the paving of the road by Choctaw County, has allowed for a first class project that will serve hunters and anglers in this part of the state for many decades. I am very thankful for our partnership.”

A ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the renovation project is scheduled for Monday, April 14, 2025. Additional information about the event will be posted to when available.

For more information about this and other public boating access areas provided by ADCNR visit, or call the Fisheries Section at (334) 242-3471.

ADCNR promotes wise stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabama’s natural resources through four divisions: Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks, and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Learn more at


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