Certain species and ecologically sensitive areas of our state require regulatory protections. ADCNR strives to allow sustainable harvest of our natural resources while also protecting those resources for future generations. In 2018, ADCNR examined all of our laws and regulations to determine if all the regulatory protections were timely and necessary. After that review, ADCNR repealed or amended 31 regulations to help reduce the regulatory burden on citizens.
Pursuant to Governor Ivey’s Executive Order No. 735, the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is reviewing its regulations for the purpose of eliminating those that are no longer relevant or necessary.
As part of this process, DCNR would like to obtain public input on this process. You can access DCNR’s regulations below. Please send any comments regarding these regulations to DCNR.Regulations@dcnr.alabama.gov.
Thank you for your input. (Deadline for comment is Sept. 15, 2023)